Thursday 21 February 2013



firstly,..thanks to alani 4 making my blog kembali ceria seperti dahulu kala,..(ceria ke,.??)
haha,..better than yang aq punye design la,..
kalau aq buat lagi terok,..xserupa blog pun,..hahaha

di hari yg indah ini,..wah3,..da nak msuk ayat jwang karat da,.hahaha
rase mcam aq pulak yang dapat hadiah,.padahal bday aq lambat lagi,.
mcam2 bnda unexpected happen., org kte jgan happy sgat nnti ngis,.
ishhh,..xnk la,.klau ngis k'gmbiraan ok la jgak,.stkat sdih2,..xmau la eden,..

#anyway,..happy bday ayie,..!!
ko da tua kot,..kna jd mtang larhh~!

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Totally glad,.daebakk,..!!


hmm,..surprisingly he wore that kain plkat,..
he used it for solat,..

haha,..semuanya bermula apabila my friends suggest to give kain plkat during his bday last year,,
for me,.agak memalukan la,.mne pernah org kasi hdiah kain plkat,,
but he said that he love it,.(xtau la ikhlas atw hanya untk m'gmbirakn hti si pmberi,..haha)

#smlam dy sndiri m'ngaku kain tu sgat b'guna n dy gunakn utk b'solat,.
nmpaknye xsia2 bg hdiah tu,.dpat share pahala dy,.
ape2 pun,.thanks to my friends yg suggest this item,.especially alani,..hana n pe'ah,.
xlupe jgak kt yg tlg blut serta pass kn hdiah,..sayoe,.!


Monday 18 February 2013



first of all,..wah,..lmenye x cte2 kat blog niyh,,.
hehehe,..xde bnda nak tulis kot,..
it have been a month since the last time i text him,.
we are rarely chat around because he still studying,.he will be sitting for a big examination this year,.SPM..!!

last sunday,..he told me about something,.he said that he was very sad
because the teacher said that he was the one that very slow,..(lmbat pick up la snang cte,.)
and another problem is,.his friends,.the genius one,.doesn't want to teach him,.how could he improve his ability while the other doesn't give some help,.

#i'm so glad that he shared his problems,.even i can't help to solve it,..but i can give some motivations to him,. :)